Things I wish I'd known
Time to answer my own question:
1) I wish I'd known that there is a surplus of PhDs in this country and that so many are wandering around without jobs.
2) I wish I'd known how much it costs to pay for an independent medical insurance plan.
3) I wish I'd known that most people (even W&L grads, despite what our alumni magazine would have you believe) have at least one (if not many) jobs that they don't really like, if not actually despise.
4) I wish I'd known that your parents become people who need your help.
I'm sure there are more, but my mind is not working this morning. More thinking is in order. It sounds like I'm grumbling a lot. I promise I'm not really that pissed off about my life; I'm just quite reflective these days. I guess I should also note that it's not that I didn't know these things. It's more that I just never thought about them when I was graduating from college.
Anyway, I'm off to do some grading, drink some coffee and make a big, fat omelette for breakfast... Have a great day!
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