Monday, September 06, 2004

The Book Club

Alright--so Keri and I (and Alice, if she has time!) are beginning the book club, so that we can go to bed at night thinking, "I learned something today). We are reading _The Corrections_, by Jonathan Franzen. (I just spelled "by" as "buy," and had to back and change it. Shows why I shouldn't be writing this early in the morning). I actually have to go out and buy the book, but it is easily available, so I encourage Amy and Aaron to buy it, too, if they are reading this blog and what to join in. Anyway, in the next day or so, once I have the book in hand, I'll try to set up a calendar of reading... Keri--want to edit it for me? We both need to confirm that we are not trying to read too much...


At 10:47 AM, Blogger kerid said...

Sounds good! I will be happy to edit the schedule! I can't post from work, so my postings will need to be done mostly on the weekends.


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